2019 Symposium
Our 3rd Sympoiuim was held on November 21st, 2019 at EDF Lab facilities, Paris-Saclay, France.This event gathered 90+ participants from the international seismic hazard and earthquake engineering communities.
Morning Session
- Introduction to 3rd SIGMA-2 Symposium (E. Viallet)
2019 11 sigma 2 symposium viallet (2.31 Mo)
- Influence of non-linearity modeling strategies for 1D ground response analysis (V. Alves-Fernandes)
2019 11 sigma 2 symposium alves fernandez (2.08 Mo)
- Development of a multi-tool virtual site for a benchmark on nonlinear site-response analysis (F. Lopez-Caballero)
2019 11 sigma 2 symposium lopez caballero (4.1 Mo)
- From a regionalized ground-motion model for Europe and Middle-East to site-specific seismic hazard assessments in low-to-moderate seismicity regions (S. Kotha)
2019 11 sigma 2 symposium kotha (8.45 Mo)
- Development of a non-ergodic GMPE for France and plan for incorporation into PSHA programs (N. Abrahamson)
2019 11 sigma 2 symposium abrahamson (3.72 Mo)
- Propagation of uncertainty in PSHA: comparison of French and German practice (I. Zentner)
2019 11 sigma 2 symposium zentner (1.49 Mo)
- Recent Studies on Enhancement of PSHA methodology and applications in Japan (M. Nakajima)
presentation not available
Afternoon Session
- Active tectonics and dating methods: towards a SIGMA-2 RESIF workshop (K. Manchuel)
2019 11 sigma 2 symposium manchuel (2.26 Mo)
- Active deformation process and quantification in relation with French metropolitan seismicity (S. Mazzotti)
2019 11 sigma 2 symposium mazzotti1 (6.31 Mo)
- Earthquake magnitudes obtained from seismic coda analysis (O. Sèbe)
2019 11 sigma 2 symposium heller sebe (5.73 Mo)
- Ground Motion for site-specific seismic hazard assessment from physics-based simulations (R. Paolucci)
presentation not available
- Factors influencing the high-frequency attenuation at high-frequencies (F. Hollender)
2019 11 sigma 2 symposium hollender (5.25 Mo)
- Characterization of seismogenic deformations in Provence - Contributions of LiDAR imagery, electric tomography and paleo seismology– O. BELLIER
Poster thomas sigmabellier2019 (12.13 Mo)
- Hillslope denudation and morphologic response across an active tectonic gradient. Insights from the Valensole Plateau, Southeastern France– O. BELLIER
Poster godard sigmabellier 2019 (4.33 Mo)
- Modern faulting assessment from Messinian salinity crisis markers: the example of Toulaud Fault (Rhônes-Alpes, France)– O. BELLIER
Billant poster belliersigma2019 (14.26 Mo)
- Site characterization proxies from seismological analyses – C. FELICETTA
Sigma 2 20symposium 3 poster felicetta (0 b)
- Introducing site effects into PSHA in engineering context : implementations, challenges and implications– C. GOMES
Sigma 2 wip 14 11 2019 final cgomes (2.03 Mo)
- Testing seismic hazard in Belgium based on the study of intact and vulnerable stalagmites in caves of the Belgian Ardennes – A. MARTIN
Sigma 2 symposium poster aurelie martin (0 b)
- Objective quantification of the seismic source model using the Bayesian Metropolis-Hastings approach– I. MOSCA, B. BAPTIE, M. VILLANI, Z. LUBKOWSKI and T. COURTNEY
Poster imosca sigma2 nov2019 min (0 b)
- Numerical simulations of bidimensional site effects - C. PINEAU
Sigma 2 20numerical 20simulations 20of 20bidimensional 20site 20effects pineau 20 (0 b)
- Using Bayesian regression to develop joint Fourier domain GMPEs for different tectonic regimes– A. RODRIGUEZ-MAREK
Sigma 2 20symposium 203 20mahdi arm rodriguez marek (0 b)
- Evaluation of nonlinear site amplification on selected sites in the Marmara region with respect to the TBEC 2019 – E. TURKER, F. COTTON and MA SANDIKKAYA
Sigma2 poster turker etal (301.11 Ko)