Action 5.2.6 : PSHA practice in different countries
Technical Issue
Compare French and Japanese practice in PSHA
Proposed Approach
- Analyze the “Irikura recipe” to predict the strong ground motion. Special care should be given to the treatment and propagation of uncertainty within this approach.
- Compare the methodology and results to classical stochastic ground motion models such as Boore (point source and finite fault) and to ground motion defined by the more recent GMPE for Fourier Amplitude Spectra (FAS). Evaluate the feasibility of such an approach on the French territory (moderate seismicity).
- Conduct a comparative study between the French and Japanese methodology for PSHA. It is intended to further analyze the Japanese probabilistic methodology, with a special focus on category I and II earthquakes (without a hypocenter specified). The Japanese methodology combines Monte Carlo simulation with the ground motion